What is Canon at the end of She
The end of the She-Hulk season that breaks the fourth wall has several turns and turns that will make you question what is real or not. So, if you still have some persistent questions after seeing the amazing episode, we will explain What is the canon at the end of She-Hulk? . In addition, we will discuss the general end of the program and provide details about Kevin.
What is Canon at the end of She-Hulk? Answered
The beginning of She-Hulk's end developed like any other Marvel heroes story that you have seen before, in which the characters run into the secret base of the enemy (in this case, it is a misogynist meeting against Jennifer Walters). Then, in the middle of the episode, the program passes to the Disney+start page, which makes you ask if you accidentally touched the remote control.
However, this part of the series is one of the many stratagems that will make you guess at all times, since the rest of this episode is mainly based on She-Hulk's theme of breaking the fourth wall. During this time, the character goes to Marvel Studios and meets Kevin, an AI which is a parody of Kevin Face, the president of the company. But, since this does the entire plot of the MCU, Jennifer does not agree with how her program is going and consults Kevin telling him to change the end.
Here are all the alterations that She-Hulk did and what Canon is in the Marvel Universe:
Todd Phelps does not obtain superpowers from She-Hulk's blood. * Bruce Banner does not appear at the intelligence meeting, but in the end he returns. * Abomination assumes responsibility for his actions and goes to jail (then travels to Samaritan). Titania and Daredevil are present after the meeting. The end of the She-Hulk season has a legal battle instead of an intense fight between Todd and Jennifer. * An AI called kevin controls the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. * Jennifer Walters recovers her work as a lawyer. *
Even if the episode led to an epic confrontation between Todd and Jennifer, the fight never happens. The reason for this change can be answered by Walter's explanation on how MCU always has high-risk frames, where some fans have affirmed that these stories usually end in the same way: the hero saves the day. However, She-Hulk's narrative does not conform to this type of travel, especially when he considers his program as a legal comedy.
The end of She-Hulk is the way marvel tells the audience that these films and television programs do not have to fit all in the same category. Instead, each story is unique in its own way and the franchise will continue to evolve in the future. That said, the MCU will continue to include its high-risk plots and its turns, as we saw at the end of the episode.
For example, when Hulk returns to earth, he reveals that he has a child, which makes Jennifer question this fortuitous fact of history. However, Kevin briefly mentioned this point in the plot when the AI told him that the series had to explain Bruce's whereabouts. Therefore, the MCU will continue with the typical stories we know and love, but there will be times when the franchise will take a different direction, including the She-Hulk series.
That is enough for our guide on What is the canon at the end of She-Hulk? And explanation about the end of the fourth wall rupture. If you want more content about the program, you can check the relevant links below and see the latest news about Foggy and Karen's return.
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